Patch 01.26 (29444)
8th August, 2019
Bug fixes
- A.I improvements
- A.I no longer getting stuck on the starting platform.
- MatchMaking
- Fixes for party leader promotion when a party leader leaves the ed-game screens before MatchMaking.
- Battle Pass
- Fix for player character occasionally displaying in background next to vehicle.
- Fix for low-res image for Battle Pass pop-up.
- Fix for HUD footer being left on screen after closing Battle Pass menu.
- Fix for unboxing animation not playing when purchasing Battle Pass from end-game screen.
- Vehicles
- Fix for Kamikaze “Purple Screamer” texture.
- Fix for Angel’s wheels disappearing during game play.
Known Issues
- Iceland – Rotating the camera towards the water on beach side causes the camera to clip into small vehicles.
- Iceland – There are patches of black grass throughout map.
- UI – HUD does not show BP earned after matches until player re-launches game.
- UI- The overtime timer will stop at 00:01 on the UI at the end of a match.
- UI – The damage indicators occasionally get stuck on a vehicle after death.
- UI – When the user opens the game options menu, there are two highlighted selection boxes.
- Hall of Champions – Camera clips into the vehicle podiums when looking upwards in the Hall of Champions.
- Customiser – Options occasionally have be selected multiple times before they open.
- Audio – There is a hitch in the music when loading into Tutorials or a match.
- Collections – Players can get their camera stuck after cancelling a purchase of a vehicle or skin.
- Angel – Being killed whilst dropshipping causes the healing aura to remain in world.
- VFX – Speed boost effects are not showing on enemy vehicles.
- Localisation – Multiple text strings are not localised throughout game.